Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn’s Dirty Secret: New York City’s unemployment rate 10 percent

New York City’s unemployment rate is nearly 10 percent

Christine Quinn, Mike’s mini-me to king Mike -- hey Mike let’s play good cop bad cop tonight -- it really turns me on! 

howard wolfson  @howiewolf
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nice write up “@blogness: Today, Bruce Springsteen returns to New Orleans and Jazz Fest.

@howiewolf  Unemployment 10 percent in NYC Mike’s dirty secret along with your salary back room deals -- how do you look in the mirror?

See Suzannah B. Troy’s Tweet to Howie Wolfson political whore who loathed Bloomberg until Mikey bought him and now pays him a 6 figure salary with tax payer money.

Note:  Regarding  whore -- not disrespect to sex workers